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Autumn exercises

Autumn exercises that will give you a boost

In just a short while, this long, hot summer will officially draw to an end as the clocks go back and the darkness descends earlier. However, there are still a few days left before you have to abandon your outdoor activities and move your fitness regime into the gym, so let’s take a look at a Autumn exercises that you can do outside while there is still enough light and the temperature is above freezing.

Take to the water

Whether you are in a rowing boat, a kayak, on a paddle board or actually in the water, there is nothing so bracing and life-affirming as being water-bound. One of the much touted benefits of spending time by ‘blue space’, is the fact that being by or in water can lower your levels of the stress hormone cortisol and can help your mind switch off from everyday life. The River Cam offers great rowing and kayaking, while paddle boarding is available at Milton Country Park.

Go for a run

There are runs and then there are hard-core runs. While your regular running route might be a five kilometre steady run around the streets of Cambridge, throwing the occasional long, off-road run into the mix can really boost your fitness levels. By challenging your body to cover greater distances and keep working for longer, you stimulate your energy systems to burn more calories. Doing a long ‘smell the roses’ run (steady and slow) is also a great way to clear the mind. Head to Wimpole Hall for some great off-road running among lovely scenery.

Spinning fitness class

Take your bike for a spin

Cycling is such a great way to see the countryside and gets some good endorphins. Whether you love swallowing the miles on a speedy road bike or tackling the challenges of an off-road mountain biking experience, getting onto two wheels can be a real buzz. One of the best local off-road cycling areas is the vast forests at Thetford. The well-marked cycle routes come in a variety of difficulty levels and the beauty of cycling here is that there are no cars to burn past you. It is also a great way to combine autumn exercises with a treat for the senses.

Do an outdoor circuit

There is something just a little bit more challenging about doing a circuit outdoors. Whether it is the ‘back to nature’ aspect of jumping over logs or sprinting between trees or just the thrill of being outdoors in all weathers – an outdoor circuit can really tap into your inner-Bear Grylls.

Find an area where you can mark out your circuit – you might use props such as fallen logs, park benches or low-hanging branches. Then use your imagination to create a 10-12 station circuit based on the natural surroundings.

Power through some miles

A power walk through Cambridge city centre in the early morning is a really brilliant way to start the day. You burn calories, you get the blood pumping, you clear the mind so it is ready to face the day ahead and you see the city from a very different perspective. Cambridge is a busy city and you will rarely be completely alone, but early in the morning, you will see the city as it comes alive. Power your way along the river, over the city centre parks and through the historic streets. Use your autumn exercises to see the city in a new, early morning light.