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Avoid hitting the quitting point






Hitting the quitting point is something that many people do and we want to help you avoid that moment when going to the gym becomes something you dread rather than something you love to do.

New year, new gym-going you

The start of the year is a boom time for gyms as people across the country make the resolution to get fitter. Whether it is to burn off an excess of festive fare, improve your levels of health, reduce your stress levels, train for an event or increase your social circles – at the start of a new year, many people will turn to the gym. Unfortunately, for many, hitting the quitting point follows on just a few months later.

How to avoid hitting the quitting point

We have put our heads together and come up with a number of methods that you can use to avoid hitting the quitting point. Some ideas will work for you, others will make no impact whatsoever, but our aim as health and fitness professionals is to help you get fitter and healthier by helping you to keep motivated to go and enjoy your gym sessions.

1. Set concrete goals

Vague, woolly goals such as ‘wanting to look better’ or ‘to be healthier’ will not give you any direction in your workouts. By setting clear, time-channeled and achievable goals, you will create a purpose for your workout. Once you have a goal, try to plot a ‘road map’ or means of achieving it.

Here is one simple example.

Target: 5k run in April

Road map to success:
Monday and Wednesday – running sessions on treadmill (3-6k) including some change of pace running
Tuesday – weights and conditioning
Thursday – rest
Friday – cycle or swimming for an hour.

2. Get a coach






Sometimes it is hard to know how to get started and you will wander around the gym aimlessly. Talk to the personal trainers who are based at Kelsey Kerridge and discuss how to best achieve your goals. A personal trainer will give your training structure as well as help you discover new ways to workout. This adds variety as well as motivation to your workout.

3. Find a friend

One of the most powerful tools that will stop you hitting the quitting point is to team-up with a friend or group of friends. Knowing that someone else is going through the same pain barriers as you, makes it all a little less tough. It is also true that if you have arranged to meet someone for a gym workout, you are less likely to dip out. And discussing your pain barriers over a coffee or juice later, adds to a feeling of ‘we are in this together’.

4. Add music

The right music can have an impact on both your motivation levels and performance. Listening to music can be inspirational or a welcome distraction from the physical exertion you are putting yourself through. Make sure you have equipment suitable for a workout. Cables flapping around your arms and body are not going to help when you are trying to lift weights or swing your arms as you run. Bluetooth headphones are a great innovation for gym bunnies as they reduce additional clutter around you.

5. Look after your body

If you are going to the gym you are looking after your body – right? In fact, there is every chance that your workout may be causing you pain. There is no quicker way of hitting the quitting point than through injury. Make sure you combine a good workout with stretching, foam-rolling and icing. Add a pilates or yoga session to your weekly routine and indulge your muscles with a regular spa and hot tub session. Yes, push your body to its physical limits but be prepared to reward it with some tender loving care afterwards.