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Introducing LIIT and other 2018 trends

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Introducing LIIT and other 2018 trends

Fitness trackers, fitness apps, high intensity interval training (HIIT). Health and activity trends of 2017 are giving way to the new kids on the block. We take a look at what is going to rock our fitness world this year, including the emergence of LIIT!

Keep walking

One of the major lifestyle turns of the past few years has been the move towards mindfulness. So there are some activities that will never go out of fashion. Walking for example has been through some iterations: power walking, nordic walking are two examples, but at its core it is really just walking. These days we are urged to walk mindfully – take in your surroundings, let go of the stresses of the day.

Less of the HIIT, more of the LIIT

HIIT has enjoyed a long period as the number one fitness method. Whether it is at home or in the gym, we have been pushing out those 15-20 minute bursts. Burpees, battle ropes and sprints, all combine to raise heart levels and produce the burn. But now it’s time to switch things up. Or down. Happily introducing the calmer cousin of HIIT: LIIT.

Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) takes a little longer to complete than a HIIT session, which might be its downfall in our time-starved world, but it will burn the same calories as a solid HIIT session while being a little less brutal on the body. It all centres around keeping the body guessing.

As discussed in, researchers at Ohio State University measured the health benefits of varying walking speeds. They found that eight per cent of energy used in walking is due to the energy our bodies require to simply stop and start. Change the direction you walk, turn around or walk in a curve. This can burn 20 per cent more than walking in a straight line. If you’re keen to swap your next HIIT with LIIT, head out for a 40 minute walk and keep your body guessing by changing direction and speed every 4-5 minutes.

Slow things down for perfect results

The next trend that is set to hit the gyms is Self-Limiting Movement. This is designed to push your limits and strengthen you from the inside out. Self-Limiting Movement is based on completing exercises while maintaining perfect form. The idea is to do a series of exercises that are almost impossible without correct form and posture. Put together a combination of exercises such as single-leg deadlift, goblet lunge and pull-ups – all of which need great form to complete. The aim of this style of training is to improve muscle imbalances and poor posture. It focuses upon the foundations of good skeletal and muscular health — grip strength, balance and correct posture.


Woman lifting weights

Group classes

If the top three trends are a little slow for you, then you will be pleased to learn that group classes are bigger and more popular than ever. Whether it is spinning, group circuit training, boxercise or any of the myriad of classes we do here at Kelsey Kerridge, we promise in our classes you will work hard, your motivation will rocket sky high and you will hit awesome fitness levels.

Fitness Circuits class

Take time to recover

Recovery is nothing new but adding it as an actual session in your schedule may be. Build a session in the sauna and a visit to a sports masseur into your weekly routine. This passive recovery will lead to faster muscle recovery and, if you do pick up an injury, the healing process will be sped up by your weekly maintenance programme.

And so there you have it. Slow things down with LIIT to reach your fitness and health goals injury free.