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Popular fitness activities in the UK?

Marathon RunnerWhat are the most popular fitness activities in the UK?

Perhaps not surprisingly, when it comes to fitness activities that are most popular among adults it is the one that is easiest to take part in that leads the way – running.

More than six million of us grab our running shoes and head outdoors or onto the treadmill at least twice a week. It makes sense. Running is something that most people can do. Whether it is a jog or a full-on competitive run, all people need to get going is a decent pair of trainers and some clothes suitable to run in.

The beauty of running, for many people, is the element of freedom it offers. There is no set routine. You can run when you feel like it. There is no set route, you can run where you like. Running as a form of exercise is brilliant for its flexibility.

Going back to class

The second most popular activity according to a 2022 Sport England survey is attending fitness classes. Again, this could involve a fitness class – boot camp – outside or a class in a gym. More than 5.5 million of us will be going to the gym for instructor-led fitness activities at least twice a week.

While this takes a little more planning than going for a run, attending a fitness class is something that appeals to a lot of people because of the structure and regularity it offers.

Fitness classes also offer a heightened form of motivation to participants. If you are signed up for a class, you are more likely to attend. If you are being given instructions and pushed to your limit, you are more likely to work harder and achieve good results.

Gym rates highly among fitness activities

The third most popular among fitness activities is going to the gym. More than 3.5 million people in the UK regularly go to the gym. Once there the activities are varied. Fitness machines to improve cardio fitness, weights to improve strength and power, machines that work on flexibility. Equipment such as battle ropes or kettle bells to increase core stability: the list goes on.

The beauty of regularly attending a gym is the variety it offers. You can choose to follow a routine devised by a personal trainer or gym instructor. You can choose your own fitness activities depending on your mood or needs for that day.

Swimming makes a splash with the kids

For children in the 5-10 year age group, swimming is the most popular activity. This is one of the best fitness activities for this age group. Not only do the children learn water safety but their aerobic fitness gets a great workout without putting developing joints and muscles under stress.

Older children (10-15) rank football as the most popular of the fitness activities on offer. Engaging in a team sport at this age is fantastic for both fitness and learning the skills of team work and cooperation.

Other popular fitness activities highlighted in this survey included hill walking, interval training and golf.

For advice on a fitness programme to suit you, contact one of our personal trainers in the Outlooks Gym or Free Weights Gym at Kelsey Kerridge.