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A happy and healthy Christmas and New Year

A healthy approach to Christmas

Yep, it’s that time of year when we forget everything we know about eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise and living a healthy lifestyle. Carb-heavy foods, lounging in front of festive films, copious amounts of alcohol and plenty of sweet treats. It means just one thing – the festive season is here.

For many people, the festive fortnight is a strange combination of hedonistic enjoyment tinged with periods of wracking guilt. Yes it was lovely to see Great Aunt Elspeth but you could have done without the second huge piece of Christmas cake. 

Or, this is usually your night to do a high intensity HITT workout but the office party starts straight after work. Enjoyment, fun, merriment but, a niggling doubt that just puts an edge on things.

See things differently

For your own sanity, the best approach is to see the whole festive period as a time to do things differently. You know full well that you are in a  good state of health and fitness going into the break. A few days of complete relaxation will not set things back to any significant degree. Your waistband may feel a bit tighter by 2nd January but that is nothing a few days of more intense exercise and some sensible eating will not cure.

You could also see this as an opportunity to allow any niggling injuries to recover. By taking a complete break from high intensity exercise, that slight calf pull may have a chance to mend. The ache in your right shoulder could disappear and your entire body could take a well-earned break.

Paddleboards, swimming, cycling – give it a go

It is also worth thinking about seeing the time as a chance to do something different. If you are off work, then the day is yours in which to do some activity. A long bike ride; a trip to the countryside to walk in the hills, meet up with friends and go for a hike. Go down to the river and hire paddleboards. Play an impromptu game of football in the park. It might not be your usual exercise routine, but your mind and body will feel good afterwards. For the ultimate exercise high, how about a dip in the sea, lake or river to experience the euphoria of wild swimming. (Check out this link for places to wild swim near Cambridge)

The beauty of this time of year is that it invites you to step out of the ordinary. That may involve eating and drinking more than usual. But it might also open up some new avenues to exercise and activity. It may help rekindle old friendships. It may even help clear your mind of the debris that has gathered throughout the year, allowing you to hit 2023 at full tilt.

Whatever you do this Christmas and New Year, stay safe, well, healthy and happy. And we will be delighted to welcome you to the Kelsey Kerridge sports centre, Outlooks Gym, Free Weights Gym  & Climbing Wall in 2023.