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Kelsey Kerridge – something for everyone

“Convenient, better stocked and cheaper than my gym back home,” was the verdict of one student who has been a member of Kelsey Kerridge since starting her degree back in 2015.

“It’s like a family to me, I come here three times a week and I have made some really good friends. Every Sunday I go walking with one of the people I met in a class here.” These were the words of an octogenarian who has been using the gym for the past 16 years.

The aim at Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre is to provide something for all the people of Cambridge, no matter their age or ability. There is the sports hall, which allows work teams to play social football, pairs to play badminton, groups of friends to have a basketball session – it even attracted A-list film stars Matt Damon and George Clooney one memorable Sunday afternoon.

The climbing wall is a key feature of the centre and has a thriving bouldering population. The squash courts are always busy and ring out to the thud of the ball and the occasional cheer as a hard won point is celebrated.










In the Outlooks Gym, there has been a conscious effort by the staff to make sure the environment is not too daunting. A fully-loaded weights room, full of muscle-men and smelling of sweat is not the place a first time gym user would feel particularly welcome. For that reason, Outlooks is light, airy and brightly coloured. The space is divided so that people can stretch or do core work in a quieter setting; the cardio machines look out over Parker’s Piece so users can loose themselves in momentum and thoughts; the functional fitness area has plenty of room to perform the more expansive movements. There is a weights area, it is just not all about the amount of weight, more about body toning.


Another area that has garnered praise are the freshly installed new toilets and showers. One woman, being shown around prior to joining, was not bothered by all the equipment on display, for her the important thing was a clean, spacious changing room. Kelsey Kerridge nailed her brief.

Probably one of the best things about the centre is the knowledge and approachability of the instructors and staff. Led by Liane Shadrack and Mustafa Ustamehmetoglu, the staff are quick to offer advice and support.

A successful gym hits three main points: cost-effectiveness; varied and numerous classes; knowledgeable staff and up-to-date equipment. With its varied pricing strategy, range of activities, great team of personnel and smart, cutting edge equipment, Kelsey Kerridge gets top marks.